Thursday 24 July 2014

A morning Psalm...July...

...and so, late this July morn, I wrested self from all that covers warm. A cool front spread south from north across the blue black night, and all today is crisp and bright...

...not far at all from cocoon’s warmth I arrived close at waters edge...sun edged higher...drenching soul and wrapping my broken human spirit with warmth of deep embrace...

...the water lies unhurried calm, as distant cobalt melds toward turquoise opaque...a breeze but brief, flits to kiss liquid green as diamonds explode in brilliant white hot silver and dance a dance no human ever staged... water closes over land, opacity morphs translucent and transparent green gold molten liquid grows to curl and swirl near shore...

...a short few steps from waters edge a small cafe...the clatter, resounding walls and ceilings ancient tin, revealing delicate human hand crafted lattice like design, carved bas-relief into surrounding air...wafting conversations laughter reverberate contented, like a choral societies afternoon rehearsal...

...and then it comes...a simple bagel in the round, dripping cheddar, years in patient wait to fulfill its purposes and butter crisped deep brown broiled, just right...

...the red astounds...strawberry triangular perfection fresh off the field aside invites...its skin embedded with life for further generations revealing grace so oft ignored...

...and coffee wafts...Guatemalan pride encased with water clear from nearby spring slides rich cross palettes taste receptors of which I must admit is oft ignored with quick swallow and unthoughtful run...but not today!

...a slice of orange...colour reverberating just one side left of primary, lies in segmented wonder...taste intermingling the sweetness of joy and tears of bitter tang...

this...yes this is breakfast and a moment taken to ponder...

...and all of this by mere happen chance has come my way as our blue orb races in constant rotate, not too close to obliterating fire and not too far away to freeze all into everlasting ice aged oblivion?, just right...

...for me and my human, time constrained limited mind, is not at all concerned of how the creator chose to speak void into reality and in what time frame per se he brought light to paint the darkness of eternity past and how it is sustained now and eternity forward...for me, the simple act of a brief shore line stroll and the wonders of breakfast is enough to see beyond mere DNA dancing on the head of a pin, and so, accept it all with moments gratitude! 

J.Douglas Thompson, copyright 2014

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